NEDSI, the northeast chapter of the Decision Sciences Institute, will be holding its annual conference in Newark, New Jersey, in the spring of 2022.
Post Date:
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
NEDSI, the northeast chapter of the Decision Sciences Institute, 2022 conference will be hosted by NJIT’s Martin Tuchman School of Management. The conference is coming to Newark after Professor Bonitsis submitted a competitive proposal on behalf of MTSM to the Board of NEDSI. The conference venue is the Robert Treat Hotel in the heart of downtown Newark; it is anticipated that some events may be held on campus.
NEDSI 2022 is the society’s 51st annual conference and its first on sight conference in three years given the pandemic; the 2020 conference was canceled and the 2021 conference was virtual. Given this, NEDSI 2022 is expecting to draw an extremely large number of participants. The theme for the NEDSI 2022 conference is “Disruptive Technologies in a Post Pandemic World.” NEDSI recognizes the importance of the interlacement of all the functional areas of the decision sciences. As such the conference has over two dozen program tracks; for example, accounting, finance, economics, big data, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, healthcare analytics, operations management, machine learning marketing, supply chain management, . . ., and sustainability management. See the conference’s Call for Papers for further details.
Although NEDSI is a regional division of DSI, its conferences are attended by scholars and practitioners from around the world. Equally important, there is a vibrant presence of students, both from the U.S. and abroad. The students participate in the undergraduate/master student poster competition: winners receive a certificate and a cash award. In short, NEDSI conferences are international in scope. The NEDSI 2022 Conference Program Chair is Dr. Theologos Homer Bonitsis, associate professor of finance at MTSM.