Spring 2017 Bylaws
Spring 2017 Bylaws
As stated in Section 3.2.1 of the Faculty Handbook, the Martin Tuchman School of Management, hereafter referred to as the “School,” shall operate according to bylaws which set forth its organization and the procedures for conducting its internal affairs. However, nothing in School bylaws may contradict the NJIT Faculty Handbook.
Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, meetings of the School and its committees shall be conducted according to the rules of procedure in the most recent edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised.
2.1 Voting Membership
The voting membership of the School consists of all Faculty members with primary affiliations in the School (as defined in Sections 2.2 and 2.4.2 of the Faculty Handbook), exclusive of School Faculty who hold administrative positions at the level of Dean or above. School Faculty who are on leave may attend meetings and take part fully in School business if they wish to do so, subject to University personnel policies and regulations. However, they have a special status in regard to determining a quorum at meetings, as stated in Section 4.4 below.
2.2 Adjustments to the Voting Membership
By amending these bylaws in accordance with Section 7 below, the School has elected to add other categories of School members (defined in Part 2 of the Faculty Handbook). These additional categories include all full-time non-tenure track Instructional Staff (Senior University Lecturers and University Lecturers) and invested Research Professors hired through a normal search, to the voting membership of the School in regard to specific areas of School affairs, such as curriculum development, course and program assessment and program administration. However, this adjustment to the voting membership does not include voting upon promotion and tenure decisions, voting related to merit determinations, voting to approve or amend School bylaws, or any other matters regulated by the Faculty Handbook, the PSA Agreement, or any other approved University policies.
3.1 The Dean
The Dean is appointed by the Provost. The Dean is the chief administrative officer of the School. As such, and in accordance with School and University policies and procedures, the Dean has responsibility for (1) overseeing the hiring, reappointment or non-reappointment, and promotion of Faculty, Instructional Staff, administrators, and staff in the School; (2) managing School personnel, budget, and resources in the best interest of the School and University; (3) appointing School Administrators, such as Associate Dean(s), Assistant Dean(s), directors or managers of School Programs, administrative assistants, or other staff, (4) overseeing teaching schedules, with due regard to School needs, individual preferences of Faculty and Instructional Staff, and Faculty intellectual and professional development; (5) presiding at School meetings; (6) interacting with other Deans and University officials on behalf of the School and representing the School at School and University events; and (7) assigning School Faculty and other personnel to School and University committees, and (8) evaluating School members not reviewed by the P&T Committee.
3.2 Associate Dean
The position(s) of Associate Dean may be created or abolished by the Dean according to School needs and procedures and subject to approval by the Provost. The Associate Dean has responsibility for planning teaching schedules, with due regard to School needs, individual preferences of Faculty and Instructional Staff, and Faculty intellectual and professional development; if not listed here, the duties of the Associate Dean(s) are assigned by the Dean in accordance with School and University policies.
3.3 Other School Administrators
The School may create or abolish other School academic administrative positions, such as Program Director(s), with the approval of the Dean. If not listed here, the duties of such positions are assigned by the Dean in accordance with School and University policies.
3.4 School Staff
The voting membership of the School may make recommendations to the Dean to create or abolish staff positions. If not listed here, the duties of such positions are assigned by the Dean in accordance with School and University policies.
4.1 Regular School Meetings
Regular School meetings shall be called by the Dean according to the needs of the School. A schedule of School meetings for the semester shall be distributed by the Chairperson by the second week of each semester. School meetings shall not be scheduled at the same times as scheduled meetings of the NJIT Faculty.
4.2 Special School Meetings
Upon receiving a written request from at least 25 percent of the voting membership (as defined in 2.2 of these bylaws) of the School, the Dean shall schedule a special School meeting, to occur within ten business days. Due regard shall be given to the purpose for which it is called, the necessity to give proper notice, and the importance of obtaining maximum attendance. Special School meetings may also be called by the Dean.
4.3 Notice of Meetings and Motions
The Dean shall distribute to the School notification of the date, time, and place of the next School meeting, along with an agenda of specific items to be discussed, including motions requiring a vote. Except in cases of emergency, these materials should be distributed at least five business days in advance of the meeting.
4.4 Quorum
The quorum at School meetings is a majority of the voting membership (as defined in 2.2 of these bylaws). A faculty member on leave and not in attendance at a meeting shall not be counted in determining a quorum for that meeting. However, a faculty member on leave but in attendance at a meeting shall be counted in determining a quorum for that meeting.
4.5 Voting Procedures
Unless otherwise specified in the Faculty Handbook or these bylaws, all decisions of the School that require a vote shall be made at duly constituted School meetings. A motion is adopted if a majority of votes cast are in favor. At the request of any voting member, a vote on a motion shall be taken by secret ballot during the meeting. Voting on a motion by mail or electronic ballot can be authorized by a majority vote at a School meeting, as long as the Faculty Handbook or these bylaws do not specify a different voting method.
5.1 Purpose of School Committees
The Faculty has primary responsibility for such fundamental areas as curriculum, course content and methods of instruction, quality of instruction, academic standards, professional conduct, research, and faculty rank and status including appointment, reappointment, non-reappointment, promotion, tenure, and dismissal. The Faculty sets the requirements for degrees, determines when the requirements have been met, and makes recommendations to the President and the Board of Trustees to grant the degrees thus achieved. The collective exercise of this responsibility by members of School Committees is part of the system of shared governance at NJIT. By the prudent use of committees, all Faculty can participate effectively in the governance of the School and efficiently accomplish the School’s business.
Committees may perform supervisory, supportive, and other tasks, thus contributing to the smooth and transparent functioning of the School. When they are charged with acting on behalf of the School, or are assigned responsibility to implement specific decisions of the School, their powers are limited to those specifically assigned by the School Faculty. Within the scope of their charge, committees may investigate, deliberate, and make recommendations to the School.
5.2 Types of School Committees
Standing Committees: Standing Committees perform continuing functions in the governance or operation of the School and require permanence to carry out their charges effectively. Thus, Standing Committees have perpetuity and are terminated only by the specific action of the School, and the terms of committee members may extend over several years. A list of the School’s Standing Committees and their charges may be placed here if this section is amended in accordance with Section 7 below.
The School Promotion and Tenure Committee is a special Standing Committee whose membership and duties are defined in Section 4.5.2 of the Faculty Handbook.
Ad Hoc Committees: Ad Hoc Committees may be formed by the Dean for a specific, limited purpose, and they cease to exist upon the completion of their charge, or at the end of the academic year following the year during which they were constituted, unless renewed by the Dean with a restated mandate.
Faculty Search Committees: Section of the Faculty Handbook contains general rules which govern the creation and function of Faculty Search Committees. The School may amend these bylaws in accordance with Section 7 below in order to include additional details on the role of the Dean and other Faculty members.
5.3 School Committee Membership and Methods of Appointment
Whenever possible, members of School Committees shall be chosen to include Faculty with a strong interest or experience in matters within the committee’s purview. Broad School representation is mandated in committees of a principally academic nature, such as those concerned with the implementation and supervision of curricula, degree programs and academic standards, professional development of Faculty, and research facilities, as well as those which deliberate and make recommendations to the School Faculty for consideration.
By amending the School bylaws in accordance with Section 7 below, the voting membership of the School may expand the membership of certain kinds of School standing and ad hoc committees in order to include members of the School’s Instructional Staff. If the School takes such action, it must not violate the Faculty Handbook or the contract between the PSA and NJIT, and it should be done in a spirit of inclusiveness, opportunity, and excellence. Members of the School’s Instructional Staff who serve on School committees or who represent the School on University committees should do so voluntarily and should receive appropriate recognition for their time and effort.
With the exception of the School P&T Committee, the Dean is responsible for appointing members to Standing and Ad Hoc School Committees and Faculty Search Committees (in accordance with Section of the Faculty Handbook), as well as to University committees.
Section 2.3.3 of the Faculty Handbook contains the general procedure for awarding Professor Emeritus or Professor Emerita status to retired Faculty members “who have served the University with distinction.” School-specific standards for meeting the criteria of University service “with distinction” may be placed here if this section is amended in accordance with Section 7 below.
A retired Faculty member shall be eligible to be considered for Emeriti status by the School P&T Committee any time before the end of the semester following the official retirement date. If the School P&T Committee votes in favor, the P&T Chairperson shall send the Dean a recommendation for awarding the title of Professor Emeritus or Professor Emerita.
In accordance with Section 3.2.3 of the Faculty Handbook, proposed School bylaws may be adopted and proposed amendments to the School bylaws may be approved by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast at any regular School meeting, provided that they have been circulated in writing to the voting membership of the School at least ten business days before the first School meeting at which they are considered.
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