MBA Concentrations
MBA concentration areas offer the opportunity to gain in-depth study of a functional area in management and serve to complement the MBA core courses.
What Is The Finance Concentration?
The technological emphasis of our MBA curriculum is expressed in the finance concentration through intensive study of financial strategies for technologically intensive firms.
Who Is It For?
People who are interested in financial management.
Where Can It Take Me?
Career paths begin with positions in managing financial functions or systems and move to leading groups of finance professionals. This concentration is also ideal for preparing graduates for positions in investment banking and brokerage.
What Is the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Concentration?
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship concentration of the MBA program is designed to help students identify business opportunities, transform innovation into sustainable business models, and to create new businesses. The coursework and the experiential learning covers new venture management, new product development, customer development, and the financial, legal and strategic issues of both entrepreneurship (new ventures within existing enterprises). Students work with companies in the Enterprise Development Center, NJIT's technology business incubator. The skills needed to commercialize new technologies will be valuable for students whether they want to work for a large organization or startup their own company.
Who Is It For?
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship concentration is intended for students considering careers (1) in new product development, (2) as founders of new business ventures - including individual startups and new divisions within large corporations, and (3) as entrepreneurship policy makers and program administrators.
Where Can It Take Me?
Innovation and entrepreneurship are the cornerstone of the new economy, but are also risky endeavors. By focusing on skill and strategy building, this concentration helps you succeed in diverse settings including startups, large innovative business, and non-profit organizations.
What Is the Marketing Concentration?
The marketing concentration prepares students to understand a world where technology is changing how products are developed, how customers are won and retained, and how companies interact with customers. Traditional marketing concepts are reinterpreted in light of sweeping technological changes in markets and media. Students are also able to focus on the development and marketing of high technology products.
Who Is It For?
People who are interested in marketing as a career choice and who want to understand the full range of choices and strategies in a "bricks and clicks" economy.
Where Can It Take Me?
Career paths include positions in large marketing organizations for both consumer and industrial products and jobs in smaller firms marketing innovative, technology driven products and services.
What is the MIS Concentration?
The courses in the MIS concentration are focused on the strategic value of information in business. They sharpen the strategic focus of the MBA degree by highlighting the role of information management in gaining competitive advantage through improved business process management and enhanced business intelligence systems.
Who Is It For?
Professionals who wish to take a leadership role in the management of information in organizations. MIS managers play a critical role in planning, building and maintaining the information systems that enable the global, networked organization.
Where Can It Take Me?
Career paths begin with managing MIS groups and track to the CIO position or to IT consulting positions. Because the MBA is a general business degree, it is possible to migrate to general management positions.
What is the Custom Concentration?
Empowers high achieving currently enrolled NJIT students to design and determine their own education and career path thus fostering a learner-centered education model that includes experiential learning and professional interest focused course selection. Students can earn an additional credential by choosing a graduate certificate of their choice. See NJIT graduate studies for more details. Students that take a graduate certificate outside of the Martin Tuchman School of Management must meet all prerequisites from the respective college to qualify.
Who Is It For?
This option is designed to attract candidates with specific interests which are not met by the current concentration options. Students can earn a graduate certificate if they choose a four course sequence from one of the many programs available at NJIT.
Where Can It Take Me?
This "customized" approach can be used to pursue the students chosen career path.
Requirements: approval from the Program Director and selected faculty; students must make the case for the proposed custom path by explaining (learning objectives) and proposed courses.